The hottest franchise opportunities in India

Are you looking for a low investment cost franchise business in India? Do you want to set up your own profitable franchise business in India? Then you have come to the right place! Here are the top 5 low investment franchise business opportunities from different sectors, with very high-profit margins.


  1. AMPM

As a convenience store with a 24*7 format, AMPM is seeing an unprecedented growth.  The BOST model ensures that we handover the store to our like-minded partners, in a profitable state only, within a 90 day period.

AMPM helps in building the business, and thereafter continues to help with the operation of AMPM business. Further support is provided, by AMPM, with the hiring of staff and, finally with the transfer of the business to the franchisee.

Investment-  1cr – 1.5 cr. (Includingall licenses, Registration, legal, Permissions)

Payback – 3 Months Operation and 30 Months Capital break even

3 years lock-in Period – If not satisfied, 20% per year depreciation buyback

Heavy Return on investment


  1. Batra’s

Dr. Batra’s is the largest homeopathy diagnosis chain in the world.  With the scope of the medical industry increasing at a very fast rate, Dr. Batra’s has taken the initiative to open numerous new clinics in India.

Investment-30, 00,000 INR

Dr. Batra’s Franchise is one and a half to two years.

Payback period- 1.6 years

ROI- 60%


  1. Barista Franchise

Barista is a popular café shop not just in our country but in other regions of the subcontinent as well as UAE, Sri Lanka and. Barista itself is owned by the 6th largest coffee roaster of the world, Lavazza, who owns 46.5 percent of the Italian retail market share.

Investment-50, 00,000 INR

Payback – Break even span can range from 4 to 5 years

Expected ROI: 22 to 27 %


  1. Fastrack Franchise

Fastrack is a leading fashion brand among the youth of today with accessories no longer being a luxury but a necessity in our daily life. Fastrack began its journey back in 1998 as a subsidiary of Titan.  In 2005 Fastrack was established as an independent brand of fashion accessory for today’s generation.

Investment-30, 00,000 INR

Expected Payback Period- 3-5 year

Expected ROI – 25% by 3rd year


  1. Jawed Habib’s Hair Expresso Franchise

This brand presently has over 320 outlets in India.  They rose to prominence in 2009 with the launching of their “Any cut @99” offer.  This attractive offer enabled youngsters to get the choicest haircuts for an affordable price.

Investment-10, 00,000 INR

Expected Payback Period- 8 – 12 months

Expected ROI:  30 – 80%


If you are looking for a profitable franchise business with relatively low investment in India, then you may go with any of these investments. Each of these establishments has a strong foothold in the Indian market and a group of loyal customers.